--- title: "Getting Started" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Getting Started} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) data.table::setDTthreads(1) ``` This package implements a toolbox of functionality to help with many of the tasks surrounding the accurate coding of occupations. The main way of using this package is via the [interactive app](#interactive-app) that comes packaged with it. This is by far the easiest way of using the package and allows you to seamlessly collect occupational data and immediately code it. To integrate the package's functionality into custom survey software you can use the included [API](#json-api) and if you want to use the package programmatically in R, it exposes some [functions](#included-r-functions) to easily do this as well. Please refer to the sections below on how to use each of these functionalities. By default the toolbox uses the [German Auxiliary Classification of Occupations (AuxCO)](https://github.com/occupationMeasurement/auxiliary-classification) to present easier to understand categories to respondets. Final occupation codings are available for the [International Standard Classification of Occupations 2008 (ISCO-08)](https://www.ilo.org/public/english/bureau/stat/isco/isco08/) and the [German Klassifikation der Berufe 2010 (KldB-2010)](https://statistik.arbeitsagentur.de/DE/Navigation/Grundlagen/Klassifikationen/Klassifikation-der-Berufe/Archiv-KldB/KldB2010/KldB2010-Nav.html). > Note: Due to limitations in available training data the tool is currently only implemented in German. Support for other languages, especially English, is planned, but pending on additional data. # Flow The diagram below illustrates how participants are routed through the interactive occupation coding app. This flow is exactly implemented in the interactive app and we recommend to base any new implementation in e.g. custom survey software to also implement this flow. ![A diagram illustrating the participant flow within the interactive app](../man/figures/app_flow.svg){width="100%"} # Interactive App The classical way of using this package is by using the interactive application that comes packaged with it. This app comes with "batteries-included" to run right out-of-the box and allow you to collect data immediately. Detailed information on using the app, can be found in `vignette("app")` and the help page `?app`. ```{r eval=FALSE} # Run the interactive shiny app occupationMeasurement::app() ``` ## Different Questionnaires You're of course also not limited to using the app only with its default questionnaire. Indeed you can use any one of the ready-built questionnaires that come with the app, such as `questionnaire_web_survey()` (the default),`questionnaire_demo()` (to learn about the workings of the tool) or `questionnaire_interviewer_administered()` (for guided interviews with a professional interviewer). ```{r eval=FALSE} library(occupationMeasurement) app( # Learn more about the workings of the app with the demo questionnaire questionnaire = questionnaire_demo() ) ``` Moreover, you're also able to modify questionnaires or just build your own from scratch. You can read more about this functionality in `vignette("app-questionnaire")`. Before you dive deeper into this technical software documentation, however, we strongly recommend you try the app with the `questionnaire_demo()` first. # Alternative Usage ## JSON-API If you're looking to integrate the package into your existing setup or tool the JSON-API that comes with the package might suit you better than the shiny app, due to it's increased flexibility. For more information on the api you can read `vignette("api")` and the help page `?api`. ## Included R-Functions The package also exports some high-level functions to allow you to generate your own suggestions and work with them. The functions are closely related to the API, so reading the above section on using the API may be helpful for a higher-level understanding of their relationship to each other. The most interesting functions for external usage will be `get_job_suggestions()`, `get_followup_questions()` and `get_final_codes()`.