occupationMeasurement 0.3.3
- Fix broken URL to download KldB 2010 classification
occupationMeasurement 0.3.2 (2023-09-27)
- Fix a minor bug in detection of
on CRAN Windows servers
occupationMeasurement 0.3.1 (2023-09-25)
- Gracefully handle unavailability of the KldB 2010 classification
- Disable multithreading in examples and tests to comply with new CRAN policy
occupationMeasurement 0.3.0
- This release is accompanying an article in the Journal of Open Source Software
- The auxiliary classification (AuxCo) has been upgraded to v1.2.3
- A bug in the test cases has been fixed when the package was installed from CRAN (#7)
- The
dependencies have been slimmed to only include packages that are actually referenced in code and would lead to issues with R CMD CHECK
. This is to avoid additional reverse dependencies for other packages. (#5)
- There were minor additional changes updating wording in vignettes or improving the legibility of code which do not affect functioning of the package.
occupationMeasurement 0.2.0 (2023-03-21)
- Initial release of the package
- Added a
file to track changes to the package.